Credit standing agencies registered as such with the SEC are known as “Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations.” The following companies are presently registered as NRSROs: A.M. Greatest Firm, Inc.; DBRS Ltd.; Egan-Jones Rating Company; Fitch, Inc.; Japan Credit score Ranking Company, Ltd.; LACE Monetary Corp.; Moody’s Traders Service, Inc.; Rating and Investment Info, Inc.; Realpoint LLC; and Customary & Poor’s Rankings Services. Below the Credit score Score Agency Reform Act, an NRSRO may be registered with respect to up to 5 classes of credit ratings: (1) monetary institutions, brokers, or dealers; (2) insurance companies; (3) corporate issuers; (four) issuers of asset-backed securities; and (5) issuers of government securities, municipal securities, or securities issued by a overseas government.[1]
S&P, Moody's, and Fitch dominate the market with approximately 90-95 % of world market share.